Who we are

Dr. Will McCauley is a veterinarian and animal health industry expert based in College Station, TX.

During his years of formal education he earned a bachelor's degree, MBA, and his DVM from Texas A&M University, which instilled in him a professional commitment to protecting the health of animals and people. His mission is to support the development of medicines, vaccines, feed additives, and cutting-edge technologies that safeguard our collective health.

After graduating and completing a rotating clinical internship, Dr. McCauley practiced veterinary medicine in Dallas, TX. In 2017, he became the Director of Veterinary Biologics at the Animal Health Institute (AHI), a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing U.S. animal health product manufacturers. As head of the Veterinary Biologics Section at AHI, he served as the primary liaison between the USDA and manufacturers of veterinary vaccines, diagnostic kits, monoclonal antibodies, and other biologics. This role provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the global animal health ecosystem, knowledge he now applies to his work at the MAHC Group.

Dr. McCauley's professional experience includes substantial work with academia, as well as federal and state government agencies. These connections are crucial in providing MAHC Group clients with valuable insights and ensuring the development and execution of focused, custom strategies that achieve superior results.

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